2025 Targets Sales: $22,346 of $150,000 Portfolio: 4,553 of 10,000

About me & DomainerLog

Hi! I’m a small-scale domainer from Spain, and this website is my personal space to share my daily journey in the world of domain investing. I focus on buying very, very cheap domains and selling them at affordable prices. I’m not a big investor, nor do I deal with huge numbers, but I enjoy the process and want to keep improving in this business.

On DomainerLog.com, I’ll be logging the domains I buy, the sales I make, and the goals I set for myself each year. I’m also learning machine learning and exploring how it can be applied to domaining.

I don’t usually talk to anyone about domains, so this website is my way of sharing my experiences with others who, like me, enjoy hunting for good names and making small but meaningful sales.

If you’re into domaining, welcome! 👋